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Make the Right First Impression with Custom Building Signs

There are a lot of resources that present different findings on how long it takes to make a good first impression. Some say it’s seven seconds, others 27 seconds. Regardless of who says it, the fact still is it only takes seconds to make an impression on someone.

Impactful Exterior Building Signs

There are a lot of ways to make a first impression in business. Among them, building signs are crucial in how you present yourself to your target audience in Aurora, ON. They are usually what customers see first when they come across your business.

A study on the effects of signage showed that over 50% of customers were discouraged from entering a business because of poor signage. This goes to show that it’s not enough to have business signs. You have to have the right building signage to make a great first impression.

Let us look at some ways to make sure your outdoor building signs are impressionable.

Quality Matters

It is important to present yourself well to your target market. This reflects on the type of materials you use and how well-maintained your signs are.

When investing in commercial building signs, choose high-quality, durable materials. Not only will they look great, but they also last longer with minimal upkeep.

Hanging signs, for example, have hardwearing material options such as Dibond and Armour Wood. These are perfect if you’re in areas that experience inclement weather.

Highlight Your Brand

It is important that your exterior building signs showcase who and what your brand is all about. Branding tells customers why you are different from the competition and why you are the better choice.

Luckily, custom building signs can be created to match your brand logo. For instance, channel letters can be made with your exact font style and brand colors.

Legibility is Key

Both customers and businesses say legibility is the most important characteristic of signs. With good reason, as you can’t make a great impression if people can’t make out your building signage. This is crucial since you only have a few seconds for customers to read your signs.

There is a lot of value in keeping your message short and simple. Too many details can make your commercial building signs too busy and not effective. Also, consider colors that complement well and don’t cause any glare.

Outdoor Building Sign Options for Every Business

If you are unsure of the types of signs that can make a positive first impression, here are some options:

  1. Channel Letters
  2. Dimensional Letters
  3. Awning Signs
  4. Outdoor Wall Murals
  5. Hanging Signs
  6. Address Signs
  7. And more!

Your Trusted Sign Company in Aurora, ON

Looking for high-quality building signs that create a lasting impression? Insight Signs and Graphics is the top choice of businesses in Aurora. We have a wide variety of sign solutions that can be custom-made to reflect who you are as a business.

Whether you need a single sign or multiple outdoor sign options, our team can help! Contact us today, and our exterior building sign experts can give you a FREE quote!

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